Chapter 42

I fell onto him, burying my face into the crook of his neck, breathing deep the smell of slightly sweaty Zach, a scent that had long since come to mean home

Later, legs tangled together on the couch and a cold beer in my hand, I thought of the things I had told my family, hard though they had been for me to say, hard though they had been for my family to hear. I reached for Zach’s hand and said, “I think I’m just about ready to give the clinic a call.” No need for me to say which clinic; we’ve been talking for an age, it seems, about this, about my starting the procedures that will reshape my body—which changes are the most important to me (and to him, too, though Zach swears he would be content if I never even set foot in the clinic, darling that he is).

Zach smiled and squeezed my hand. “You know I’m with you, whatever you want to do.”