Su’ama had missed her mark, arrived months too late for that critical meeting, and when the ‘corder came by, she shook her head and let it pass. Nothing to report. Unless she wanted to shock and horrify the Flip-project committee heads with a detailed report of dinner, mating, and the subsequent rape and murder of her subject.
She shivered. No one mated, not these days. If you had those urges, you went to the Stuprarium and jacked in. Jack in to jerk off, her friend had once called it. The program there would attend your needs, clean up after whatever messily bodily fluid was produced, save and scan your gene code for future generations. If there were ever going to be any, Su’ama thought. Too risky, right now. The population was strictly controlled. Five must pass before one is born. Maybe, someday, there would be allowances for mating and birthing as it had been done in her subject’s day.