Chapter 52

The distinct click-whrrrr of a voltaic pistol didn’t even stir him. Galton was beyond fear, beyond anger. He was all the way to contemplative. A truly dangerous state. He didn’t turn.

“I didn’t expect you to surrender,” Dain said.

“Your disregard for safety is truly astounding,” he replied. “You had a mass-cannon pointed at my ship at close range. You’d have killed us both if you fired. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Go down with the ship, sir,” she said. She leaned close, the business end of her pistol brushing against his hair. “Or perhaps surrendering to me did not fill you with such dismay as might have been imagined. It’s been a long chase. Too long.”

“You’ve been remarkable quarry.” Again.

Dain clicked the collar around his throat. She was close enough that he smelled her soap; she was recently come from the ‘fresher, which indicated more luxurious accommodations aboard her vessel, the Hevelius, than were indicated from the hull.