
Chapter 4

Lester draws me a bath. I step in and sink down into its warm caress. I sigh and close my eyes as the warmth relaxes my muscles. When I’m ready, Lester, with soap and flannel in hand, kneels down beside me and starts washing my shoulders and back. He progresses to my chest and stomach. After doing my legs and feet, taking particular care to wash thoroughly between my toes, he stops.

“If you’ll please stand,” he says.

I rise from the water and after Lester has soaped up the flannel he commences washing my pubic hair, my cock and my balls. His gentle touch soon has me erect, but I must deny myself. I want to save myself for Eduardo. Lester runs the flannel between my legs then adjusts his position, turning me slightly in the process, so he can do my buttocks and the space between them. I bend forward, gripping the side of the tub and when the rough, wet flannel is wiped across my arsehole, it puckers. I close my eyes and bring a hand to my cock.