
Chapter 28

I wait for a “ta-da” which never comes and laugh as I feel the weight of Eduardo’s arm being draped over my shoulder.

“Brenton, this is Eduardo. Remember? I told you about him.”

The two men shake hands though I can see Eduardo is suspecting the worst. He has every right to, although thankfully he could never fully imagine the debauched time Brenton and I shared in Paris.

“Come in and we’ll have some coffee. Or tea if you’d rather.”

“Coffee’s fine,” he says. “I can’t stay long. I don’t want to impose, but since I was travelling to Bath anyway, I thought I could go the extra few miles and see where it is you live.”

We sit down in the drawing room and I ring for Taylor.

“What brings you to Bath?” asks Eduardo, making sure he sits beside me; a not very subtle display of possession.

“I have some business, some family business, there. In fact, a funeral. Not very pleasant, but we all have one sooner or later.”

“I’m sorry,” I say.