Chapter 68

Times alone with Jake were quieter and often more cerebral. They’d discuss movies, TV shows, the unique color of a particular object. This time they’d gotten onto the subject of six-packs.

“Jimmy’s is more developed than mine. Guess he was blessed with better genes.”

“What?” Barry said, snapping out of a mental image of licking the hard ridges of Jimmy’s abs. “You’re admitting Jimmy is better than you at something?” Barry reached for his cell phone. “Damn it.”


“I downloaded an app. It’s supposed to work like a Tivo and constantly records the last thirty minutes of sound. Only I keep forgetting to turn it on.”


“You guys are always picking on me.” Barry smiled to show he wasn’t serious. “So I got this app so’s I could level the field.”

“When you remember to turn it on.”

“Yeah.” Barry tapped on the icon. “It’s recording now. So what were you saying about Jimmy?”