Chapter 39

But he didn’t want to make the moment awkward between them. He loved Ronnie, yes, but he didn’t want to force his feelings onto his friend. Whatever Ronnie felt for Court would be enough, it would have to be. It’d always been before.

So to keep from getting maudlin, Court said softly, “That was the first time you ever shot someone, wasn’t it?”

Ronnie snorted, a quick burst of something that might’ve been amusement under different circumstances. “That’s the first time I ever shot a gun, period.”

“You have pretty good aim,” Court said, impressed.

Ronnie shrugged and pulled his hand away. Without meeting Court’s gaze, he gathered up the Thermos and empty water bottle and made a fuss of putting them by the tent flap for later removal. “It was pure reflex. He shot at you, I shot him. What else was I supposed to do?” 7