Chapter 54

Well, no, that wasn’t right—Ronnie and Adam had gone back to the homes set down aways off the other side of the road and brought back enough canned and boxed goods to keep the four of them from getting hungry any time soon. And Bree had really stretched the chicken—at first, they ate the meat roasted with canned vegetables and rice, then it was torn little pieces worked into pasta sauce, then finally she boiled down the bones to make a tasty stock. She really knew her way around food. Court thought it was funny, then, that she was so damn skinny. Beside her, Adam seemed to swell up larger than life. Court hoped she was on top when they had sex, or one of these days, Adam might just squash her by mistake.

He snickered at the thought, and opened his mouth to share it with Ronnie, but the look his friend shot his way sobered him up. He knew he talked too much, but really, what elsewas there to do?