Adam looked doubtful, but Bree brushed past him and started folding up the chairs. She handed one to Court, who took it and glanced around, uncertain. “Where am I supposed to put this?” he wanted to know.
“There’s plenty of room in the bathroom,” she said. “Come on, hurry up. The sun’s almost gone, and I’ll be happy once we’re settled in for the night.”
Adam helped with the chairs, and soon there was no room in the small bathroom for anything else. The table was too large to get through the door, and Court tipped it on its side, hoping it’d go through that way, but no. Between them, he and Adam got two legs out, then couldn’t move it any further. “Shit,” Court cursed. He was outside in the hallway, the table blocking the doorway, and everyone else was in the room. The table was wedged pretty well—two legs outside, two inside, and no room to budge or wiggle it in either direction.
Helpless, he shrugged. “Now what?”