Chapter 80

Court tried to remember what he’d read about the virus, back in the early days when people started dying and panic was setting in. “I think I heard somewhere that one percent survived, or something.”

“They were immune,” Ronnie corrected. “And one percent of three hundred million is…well…”

He trailed off, lips moving silently as he tried to work it out in his head. Court watched him a moment, then tried to do the math himself, but how many zeroes were there in three hundred million? He had no clue.

“One percent of three hundred is one,” Court said.

Ronnie gave him a sideways look. “No, it’s three.”

“So three times a million is…” Court waited for Ronnie to jump in, hopeful he might know the answer, even though neither had been very good at math back in school. They were caught cheating once on an algebra test in the ninth grade only because they both had the same wrong answers.