“Shit,” he cursed softly.
Court bent over, hands on his knees, to have a look. “What?”
“The tank’s way down there,” Ronnie explained. “I think I might could…”
Trailing off, he lay down on his stomach on the tarmac and reached one arm all the way down into the hole. It disappeared all the way up to the shoulder, and Ronnie grimaced as he held his head up off the ground. Down inside the hole Court heard a rattle as a cap was loosened beneath them, and then Ronnie scooted back, tossing the cap aside. He glanced around—not at them, but farther out, his gaze searching the wall of the station for…something.
Cautiously, Court prodded, “What’re you looking for?”
“We need something to suck up the gas,” Ronnie murmured. “A hose, maybe, or some tubing, something…”