“I love your sarcastic humor, your crooked smile, and—’’
“And what?”
He laughed. “And that you have great taste in boyfriends!”
“Funny! It doesn’t get old, that joke.” I hunched behind him to massage his shoulders, and answered his earlier question. “Yes, I’d like for you to spend the night. But you know the rules.” I sighed. “By the way, Elena violated them last night though. She had someone stay over.”
“Wow.” I felt Noah tense up as I massaged his neck. “Sounds like her to do that. So, is this the first time she had anyone stay over?”
“I think so. Chel’s never acted like anyone has been staying over.”
“It sounds like Elena gets to do whatever she wants, meanwhile pushing you around, using whatever guilt you have for leaving her against you.” He grabbed my hands and turned to face me. “Why’d you even marry her?” Noah asked.