Chapter 24

No sound in the apartment except the tick-tock of a kitchen clock. I followed him into Chel’s room. The moonlight shined through the open curtains—curtains that were normally closed. No one there. Chel’s closet was open with her stuffed animals on the floor.

My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. My bedroom door was closed. It was open this morning

Noah twisted the doorknob slowly.

I hope he remembers that knob squeaks a little.On cue, when the knob squeaked, Noah swung the door open with his foot.

Nothing so far! No intruder with my baseball bat.

He went in. I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer.

Please God, keep Noah safe!

Soft footsteps ahead. I followed him. He stopped in front of the bathroom. The nightlight illuminated the shower stall. Noah stood there like a statue. He pivoted after peering in the bathroom and approached my closet. Just ten days ago, Noah stored some of his clothes there. Now it was empty enough to be a good hiding place.