Chapter 35

“Well.” I paused. “That’s a good argument we’re going to make to the jury because the state is not dropping the charges.”

“What?” Frank raised his voice.

“The state will argue that the unknown DNA was already on the mug before Hannah died.”

“I don’t understand,” he replied.

I went over the different arguments the prosecution, my ex-wife, would make. Arguments to keep him in jail, pending charges, such as his taped statement, some of the physical evidence. When he understood the arguments, he sat there. Quiet.

“Your ex-wife is a good prosecutor.” He glanced at his hands as he spoke. “A lot of guys here in the jail say so.”

“I’m a pretty good attorney, myself, Frank.” I smiled and changed the tone of my voice to see if it would put Frank at ease.

“I know.” He pushed the report back to me. “That’s why I hired you. I knew it was going to be tough when I got charged with murder, and she was the prosecutor.”