“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” I said. He continued to avoid eye contact. I shrugged, then walked to my car. I got in, when I heard him next to my window.
I rolled my window down and he said, “Hey, wait. Sorry I snapped at you.”
“Ivan. Don’t worry about it. You got a lot of stuff going on.”
“I’ll give you a call later, Jake.” His voice calmer. “Raincheck on dinner?”
“Sure,” I said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to wait?”
He shook his head.
Two other uniformed officers walked down the stairs, and Ivan turned his attention to them. One of them carried a paper bag marked “Evidence” with a red seal tape over the top.
I took the only exit out and waited for the traffic light. When it turned green, I saw a familiar red Jeep parked in a corner in the complex under a tree. A shadow in the vehicle ducked.
Seconds later my cell rang.
“Jake, I’m in a bind,” Noah whispered.
“Where are you?”
“I’m in the Jeep.” He spoke fast. “Can you pull back around?”