Chapter 21

The demon growled and began walking away from the forest.

“Let me go!” I shouted. “You can’t do this. I don’t belong in Hell!”

The beast moved with surprising speed through the grass, crushing it to slime beneath its clawed feet. I continued kicking and screaming and decided to do so until I ran out of energy. I was determined to make as big a nuisance of myself as I could, and if I helped Rosamond escape at the same time then all the better. Heavens knew what had become of Reginald.

We hadn’t gone more than a mile before I became aware of the sound of hoofs galloping after us. I twisted myself around in the demon’s hand and smiled when I saw Duchess and Reginald closing in on us. Knowing help was at hand renewed my energy and I commenced a more robust bout of struggling and kicking.

Finally, Duchess and Reginald were so close I could see Reginald’s smile and hear Duchess snorting.

Suddenly the demon stopped and turned to face its pursuers.