We were wafting along a cobbled lane in old Jerusalem when Reginald stopped in his tracks.
“I can’t go on,” he said, his whole being slumping forward. “I’m tired of this.”
Rosamond and I looked at each other.
“Tired of what?” I asked.
Reginald sighed. “Of you. Of her.” He stuck his thumb out in Rosamond’s direction. “Of this aimless wandering. Of trying to find amusements. It’s a hollow existence and I’m so bored I could kill someone.”
Rosamond had a hand on her hip. Her nostrils were flaring.
“Well, no one’s asking you to stay. Go ahead and fuck off! Morgan and I can do quite nicely by ourselves.”
While initially offended, I couldn’t complain. I was feeling the same desire for something to change.
“The Sea of Light.”
The voice came from in front of us. All three of us looked down simultaneously. The spirit was barely there. His body appeared as no more than a wisp of smoke. His face was so gaunt that his eyes bulged from their sockets.