Chapter 13

“Well, Mr. Lentin, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but no contract is worth the loss of my scruples. Good day to you, sir.” Gathering his things, Lynn rose and left the office, taking the elevator to the ground floor. He started walking but began trembling so much he had to stop and lean against a wall in a nearby alley.

He couldn’t believe what Lentin Jr. had said. Lynn had never been so humiliated in his entire life. Pulling himself together, he started walking again and then decided to hail a cab, heading home instead of going back to the office. His cell phone started ringing. Looking at the display, he saw it was Duncan. He couldn’t talk to Duncan right now. The man had been right, and Lynn just couldn’t face it. Plus, the company may be on the skids now that he had probably just lost their biggest contract.