He asked Richard Bloemfeld, the owner of the business, for half a dozen bags of medicated chick feed, a sack of grain, a bag of shell grit, and some straw, which Benjamin discovered was sold in bales, only one of which would fit into the boot of his Jaguar.
He made a mental note to buy a second, more practical vehicle. Also, as an afterthought, he asked Richard if he knew of anyone looking for work.
“I’ve got no idea what I’m doing,” he confessed. “I need someone who can manage the property and do whatever has to be done.”
Richard scratched the back of his head. “I think Mick Harvey is lookin’. He’s just been laid off from the Henderson property. Gimme ya number and I’ll get him to call ya.”
Benjamin dug out his wallet and retrieved the piece of paper with his new phone number on it. He read it out to Richard.
"Haven’t learned it yet," he said, stuffing the piece of paper back into his wallet. "Thanks for all your help. I appreciate it."