Brent’s eyes grew wide, and even Marie was speechless. My dad quickly changed the subject and wouldn’t let anyone change it back. Good old Dad, always there when he’s needed. I gently squeezed Caleb’s hand. That’s enough. You’ve shown off your empath skills and let them know you’re not to be messed with, but you’re picking up too much of the room’s tension and it’s making you cranky.
Caleb squeezed my hand back. I know, sorry.
Not a moment too soon, Tim announced that they should really go check in and unpack. I sent up a silent prayer of thanks to Brigit for keeping the hostility to a minimum, adding one to Dian Cecht thanking him for Caleb’s wit and poignancy but asking to help keep him in control. Just as the door closed behind Marie and her group, everyone else turned to look at me and Caleb. I excused myself to the kitchen for a glass of water. Caleb followed.
“Okay, I know, I got a little carried away. I just sensed his weak spot and went for it.”