“Trust me, I dumped on you and still feel guilty about it. Giving you a little coffee every day isn’t going to absolve me. I gave you up for a soccer asshole and regret it to the hilt.”
I still have visions of the sexy soccer player who took him away from me. Rudy was French to the core, a pretty boy with the biggest dong between his legs.
“Sebastian?” a familiar voice over my right shoulder awakens me from my Rudy-induced flashback.
I spin around and take in the beautiful frame of Jory Sole. A quick head-to-toe shot of him details a wool sweater, khakis, Tom’s shoes, and a bomber jacket. I surface from his dapper look and say, “You drink coffee?”
He blushes, which is the cutest thing in the world, and nods his head. “I know I shouldn’t, but I love it. What can I say?”
“That makes two of us.”