Chapter 12

The room feels empty around us, and talking to him is easy. The topics shared between us are nonstop and flowing. I like his character, smoothness, and the way his voice sounds gentle and caring

I’m a little tipsy following my fourth flute of champagne and ask, “So why aren’t you with a nice guy?”

He tenderly moves his left hand up to my bottom lip and rubs a drop of champagne away. “The right guy hasn’t come around yet.”

“Do you have bad luck in the men department?”

His smile lights me up; exuberant, playful, and charming. “I happen to have the worst luck with guys. What about you?”

I think of Ben for maybe the first time this evening and our sexual encounter in my bedroom. “Guys never flock to me. And when they do, they don’t stay around for very long.”

“You?” Jory asks, surprised.

I nod my head and shrug my shoulders. “Yes, me. What can I say? I’m no Romeo.”

“But you’re adorable, and sexy as hell. Guys should be all over you.”

“Not in this lifetime. Maybe in the next one”