Chapter 28

All of the sudden, she rushes toward me with outstretched arms and pushes me to the floor. My head cracks against the floor. I feel blood at the base of my skull, and the room begins to spin around and around. I see twelve angry Zoes instead of one.

Before I black out, falling unconscious, I hear her yell down at me, “I’m telling Jory all about you, Sebastian! You found a way of wrecking my world, and now I’m going to do the same for you!”

Part 4: Men, Afar

31: Train

Unconsciousness floats me through a pink and purple illuminated hallway as ABBA songs echo between my temples. The real world is temporarily closed off to me: Zoe calls 911, panicked by my current state. Ben is in New York City, having drinks with his agent. Jory is tucked in his bed, possibly dreaming of me. I float naked down the dreamy and foggy hallway like a ghost and push through two windowless doors.