Chapter 26

I almost call Greg into the kitchen to join me—why? No reason. To get him alone for a moment, to claim a quick kiss. But when I hear his laughter mingle with Tyler’s, I stop myself. They’re getting along, good. If Greg and I move forward with a relationship, I want Tyler to like him as much as I do. Let them bond, even if it is over some stupid Disney movie. In less than a half hour, I’ll tuck my son into bed and have the man all to myself.

I linger in the kitchen cleaning up, but before I return to the living room, I grab two more beers from the fridge. I can cuddle with Greg by the light of the television, and if we’re quiet, Tyler won’t even turn around. Maybe I’ll be nice and let him stay up a bit, watch the rest of the movie. Maybe—

But Tyler’s taken my spot on the couch, leaving me a tiny space between himself and the arm. He smacks the cushion with one little hand. “Daddy, here,” he says, scooting closer to Greg.