Chapter 38

“…my spirit when I was low, and always found a way to make me happy.”

Mitchell abruptly turns to me and loudly inquires, “What the flying fuck is the monkey trying to say?”

I smile; I just can’t help it. This is why I adore Mitchell. He just never knows when to behave himself, always the source to lighten a rotten mood.

The Badger twins turn around and share devil stares.

Mitchell asks, “Don’t you two have some helpless faggot to beat up?”

Although I want to cheer him on, I gently plunge an elbow into Mitchell’s right side, which immediately calms him down.

The Badger twins do as they’re told. Thank Jesus.

Alex ends his speech with: “I just wanted a chance to let everyone in Mr. Friday’s life to know how much I loved him. He will never leave my mind. I will forever miss him. Thank you, Mr. Friday. God bless you.”

As Alex returns to his seat, Mitchell mouths the word whore. Alex doesn’t see this, although half of me desires him to.