Chapter 2

Fuck,he thought, no one’s gonna think I’m horny because of some trainer workin’ on me. Every one of the guys on the team will have sex on their minds after wins like these. Their testosterone is gonna be pumpin’ through their veins and makin’ them just as hot to trot as me. The married guys are gonna fuck the brains outta their wives and the single guys are gonna be on the prowl for some willing groupie-cunt. So what the fuck. I got a woody. I’m just on the make like any straight guy. Only what I really want is my hard cock in some hot dude’s ass, not some bitch’s pussy. But no one’s gonna know that but me.

After twenty minutes of soaking, O.B. got out of the tub, dried off and, wrapping a towel around himself, walked out into the training room. There were about a half-dozen players being worked on for various post-game aches and pains. Haskel was working on the right elbow of one of the pitchers.

Perfect, he’s busy, O.B. thought. He looked around for Jenkins and Albertson. But they, too, were occupied, working on players. O.B. briefly considered skipping the massage, but his hamstrings hurt badly enough that he knew he’d have to have it if he was going to be able to play tomorrow. He headed for the far end of the room, away from Haskel, hoping Jenkins or Albertson would be free soon. But just as O.B. passed the table where Haskel was working on the pitcher, the handsome blond called out, “O.B., I’ll be done here in a jiff. Hop up next door and I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“Oh, crap,” O.B. muttered.

“What’s that?” Haskel asked over his shoulder as he continued to massage the pitcher’s arm.

“Ow! Cramp,” O.B. said, covering his verbal ejaculation and limping to add to the subterfuge.

Aware that ignoring or refusing Haskel’s offer to work on him would seem strange, even rude, O.B. climbed up on the adjacent training table, lay down with his hands behind his head, and crossed his legs at the ankle. He tried to think of something that would distract him enough so the embarrassment of the time he’d shot his load while Haskel had worked on him wouldn’t be repeated.

O.B. closed his eyes and began to doze off. He’d successfully gotten his mind off the sexy trainer by thinking of the next day’s game—mentally reviewing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the starting pitcher with whom he’d be working. He was brought back to full wakefulness when he felt a firm hand clasp his left quad just above the knee and give it a squeeze.

“God, you catchers,” Haskel said. “You got the legs, man. So, tell me, Mr. Benson, where does it hurt?”

Haskel continued to lightly massage O.B.’s thigh as he waited for a response.

Feeling his cock starting to get in on the action, O.B. quickly turned on his stomach and said, “Tendons. Really tight today.”

The trainer ran his practiced hands the length of each of O.B.’s hamstrings from the knee to just below the swell of his bubble butt.

“Yeah,” Haskel said matter-of-factly. “I can feel those tendons wantin’ to knot up and that’s putting a lot of pull on all three hammies. I’m gonna get the vibrator. Be right back.” The trainer gave O.B.’s butt a playful smack and walked off, snickering.

“Fuck! The vibrator,” O.B. mumbled into his arms as he lay facedown on the table.

He didn’t know what the technical name of the instrument was, but they all joked about the vibratorand how it could get a guy off in thirty seconds flat if he wanted to use it on his cock. It stimulated blood flow to muscles and tendons by using ultrasound vibrations, and it produced a very pleasant sensation as it did so. Feels too damn good!O.B. thought. Shit, might just as well give up and enjoy it. I’m half hard already.

Haskel returned. “All set?” he asked, but didn’t wait for a response before lifting the towel, laying it across O.B.’s ass, and slathering his legs with a cold gel. That was followed by the application of the vibrator, up one leg and down the other. “Spread ’em a little, O.B.,” Haskel requested.

O.B. obliged. But the spreading exposed his nuts, which got a good dose of the pulsations from the machine when Haskel brought the vibrator up to and around the base of his ass and between his legs. “Holy shit!” the catcher exclaimed.

Haskel laughed. “Feels good, don’t it?”

He purposely put the device in contact with O.B.’s balls and laughed again.