Chapter 21

The door opened.

“Pizza delivery for Turner,” he announced, walking past Avery, giving the man a peck on the cheek as he made his way to the kitchen. “Hi, Coco,” he said as the calico cat came running to greet him. “I got somethin’ for you, too.”

O.B. put the pizzas, beer, and salad on the table. “I got a meatlovers and a Hawaiian. Oh, I got us a taco salad, too. Hope that’s okay? That ain’t gonna be too weird with the other stuff, is it?” Without waiting for an answer, he took a bag of cat treats from his pocket and looked over at Avery. “It’s all right, ain’t it?” he asked, holding the bag up while Coco circled his legs, indicating that as far as she was concerned, it was certainly okay.

Avery smiled and nodded. “Sure.”

O.B. ripped the bag open, poured a couple of treats into his palm, and knelt down. Coco sniffed the offerings but didn’t take them.

“She’ll only eat them off the floor or in her bowl. I’ve never gotten her to take anything from my hand.”