Chapter 26

Bob threw a couple of bills on the bar and turned for the door. O.B. followed. Once in the parking lot, Bob asked, “You got wheels?”

“No, came in a cab.”

Bob didn’t say anything, just walked across the lot to a minivan that fairly screamed “family man.” O.B. smiled as he hopped in on the passenger side and buckled his seatbelt.

Bob didn’t ask the usual “My place or yours”He just pulled out of the lot and headed down the street. After a short ride, during which Bob made small talk by lamenting the loss of the Orioles to the Thunderbolts, which made O.B. smile, they pulled into a Motel Six. They didn’t stop at the office but made straight for a room.

Had the evening pretty well planned, eh, Bobby boy? O.B. mused as Bob slipped the keycard into the slot and they entered a room that smelled slightly of cigarette smoke despite the No Smoking sign on the door.