Chapter 38

“Guess you are,” O.B. said, kissing Avery back.

O.B. stood, making Coco jump to the floor with a protesting meow. He picked Avery up and started to carry him to the bedroom.

“What are you doing?” Avery asked with a laugh.

“Well, maybe I’m gettin’ a little ahead of myself, but I’m carryin’ ya over the threshold.”

“What am I going to do with you?” Avery laughed again.

Avery shifted in O.B.’s arms. Instead of being carried like a bride, he wrapped his arms around O.B.’s neck and his legs around the ballplayer’s waist, kissing O.B. as they progressed down the hall to the bedroom.

O.B. laid Avery on the bed and stood over him. Avery opened his arms and O.B. crawled on top of him, their lips and tongues finding one another, their swelling packages pressed tightly together.

O.B. rolled sideways, not breaking his hold on Avery. They lay side by side, lips and tongues seeking and finding the other’s counterpart, hands roaming from shoulders to ass, squeezing, kneading, exploring.