Chapter 41

“Yeah, probably, but I don’t want to say. Just let it go at the fact I’m not gonna be cruisin’ around anymore.”

Chuck took a deep breath. “Okay. I’m just sorry I’m not the lucky guy.”

“Look,” O.B. said, not knowing exactly why he felt he needed to say something to make the kid feel better. “I did enjoy that night we had, but I met this guy and—”

“You don’t have to explain. Who knows, maybe this won’t work out for you. Gay relationships are famous for their fragility.”

He knew Chuck was right. Gay liaisons didn’t have a great track record. But he didn’t want Chuck to think that what he and Avery had was something weak and vulnerable. Their relationship would be different. O.B. hid his reaction to Chuck’s words.

“And if it doesn’t—well?” Chuck continued and gave O.B. a weak smile. “I better get going,” he said, starting to leave.