Quin shook his head. “Norton can’t detect it. None of the antivirus programs even know it exists.”
Curious in spite of himself, Jerry asked, “How’d I get it?”
Now Quin turned and looked at Jerry over the top of his glasses. “A porn site.”
Suddenly Jerry’s palms felt slick and his heart started to race. “What? That’s ridiculous. I didn’t—”
“You’d be surprised how many people claim the same thing, Mr. Bennett.” Quin started typing again, even though the computer hadn’t finished starting up. “But the only way you could’ve gotten this thing is if you were on a website that’s on our company ban list.”
“How do you know?” Jerry countered. “Maybe it’s more widespread than you think…”
“Hardly,” Quin said. “I should know. I invented it.”
Jerry stared at him, incredulous. “What?”