Chapter 5

Bryan shrugs. “Well, they were in our lockers. So we’re skating on the steps in the dark, just me and him, and at one point he stops and waits for me to come down to where he’s standing. I’m all like, what? And he goes, do you like her? And I’m like, Mindy? She’s okay. So he goes, no, I mean, do you reallylike her? Like that? And I was like, no.”

Like, like, like. Now I know why my mom says I sound stupid when I use the word too much. But I keep quiet.

“So he asks me who doI like and I’m all, I don’t know, you know?” Bryan shrugs, and his hands twist in his lap. “But he kept on asking, so finally I go, you, okay? I like you. And he stops skating and I can feel him looking at me, even though it was dark and I couldn’t see a thing. And he goes, me, really? By now I’m a bit pissed so I’m like yeah, you, what of it? And the next thing I know, he kisses me.”