“I will not be treated like that in front of a servant.”
Dale’s face turned to thunder.
“He’s still a man. He still has feelings and should be treated with dignity. Joseph works damn hard for you and you had no right to humiliate him like that. I didn’t want to see his fucking cock!”
Tom sat down on the corner of Dale’s bed. There was a heavy sigh and his shoulders slumped forward.
“That man was watching us make love. To me that’s a private thing and I certainly don’t want the servants creeping around spying on us, especially at times like that.”
“How do you know he was watching us?”
“Well you saw the man’s hard-on! You don’t get one of those walking through a rose garden.”
“Anyway, I don’t care. There’s no excuse to treat someone like that. I hope I never have to see you do that again.”
Tom hung his head and for a moment Dale felt sorry for him.
“I’m sorry,” Tom said finally. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
“Apologise to Joseph.”