“This will help perk you up,” Tom said, sprinkling a small measure of white powder into the wine.
Dale had experimented with drugs at university. After all, that was what university was for…experimenting and exploring. It surprised him, however, that his uncle would be in possession of drugs, and even more so that his uncle would be giving them to him.
“What is it?” he asked, watching as his uncle stirred the drink with his finger.
“Just a little pick-me-up. Nothing to get excited about.”
Dale took the drink from his uncle and swallowed the contents down in one gulp. He wiped his mouth on his arm before refilling some of the empty glasses.
“You’ll be alright,” said Tom, giving Dale a quick peck on the cheek and a pinch on the bum. “I’ll leave you to it.”
It was difficult to pinpoint how long it was before Dale began to feel light-headed, but the effects of the drug were noticeable enough to force him to put the tray of drinks down before he dropped them.