Chapter 38

“Get over your crush, then?” Tom observes in late January, and snickers when Ryan stares at him. “Come on, it was obvious you had one. Who was it? Francine again?”


And it gets easier.

While he still says nothing, and still throws out the odd idle observation of a girl’s attributes so he doesn’t attract attention for avoiding them, he’s no longer so anxious when the others discuss the merits of Hannah James’ arse over Maria’s Marquez’s breasts. It is simply irrelevant.

In March, he sends Alex a text that more or less summarises his entire new situation:

Happy birthday—whenever it is this month. And FYI: I can now spend an hour staring at Maria’s rack in History and not even get a hard on. She’s hot!

The reply is surprising—both in that it comes at all, and that it shows a thought process of Alex’s that Ryan would never have guessed at.

Next Tuesday. Thanks. And FYI: she can’t have been that hot, then.