Chapter 5

Bandit stood on his hind legs and waved his front paws at John, who, surprising himself, knelt down to better interact with the dog.

“You’re a clever boy.” John smiled and high-fived the cute little dog.

“Bandit’s a she.”

John looked between the dog’s legs and felt foolish. “Sorry. With the name, I thought…”

The man smiled. “You’re not the first to make that mistake. The black mask across her face gave me the idea, even though it’s probably more of a boy dog name.”

“What is she?” John asked, standing up and brushing off his knees. He wasn’t about to mistakenly mention the wrong breed. He knew dog owners sometimes were offended if you got such details wrong.

“A pug,” the man said, looking surprised John didn’t know.

“Ah, yes of course.” John nodded sagely. “I’m John by the way, John Tennant. Staying in one of the cottages.” He turned to point to them, surprised to see how far away they were.

“Nick. I’m in number two. Saw you come in yesterday.”