Chapter 7

“If you leave the doors and windows open it should dry out the ceiling pretty quickly.”

John nodded and was about to ask Mitch if he thought that would be safe given that there’d been a bear in his garden the night before, but managed to stop himself at the last second. There hadn’t been a bear.

“Well, thank you again,” John said, holding out his hand. He just had to touch the man one more time.

Mitch transferred his enormous toolbox into his left hand and they shook. Again John felt a wave of warmth.

Mitch let John’s hand go. He looked uncomfortable. Scuffing an enormous boot on the mat, he swapped the toolbox back into his right hand. Not meeting John’s gaze, he mumbled, “Like I said, you shouldn’t have any more trouble with that faucet now.”

“No, thanks.” John knew he couldn’t prolong the encounter any longer, so he bade the handsome hunk farewell, reminding him he needed to do something about the cut on his forehead.

* * * *