Chapter 46

“Why would Mitch want to keep clothes down here?”

The bear tried not to smile, imagining how his human would have to explain that one.

John then started to talk about Mitch. “I like him, more than I should. He’s, well, tall, dark, and handsome. I thought he was kinda invincible and therefore unapproachable.” John sighed. “But then he told me earlier this evening that he couldn’t read. Wow, that bit of vulnerability, I guess you’d call it, just made me…” John swallowed and blinked away a tear. “Made me want him all the more.” Looking up at the roof of the cave, he added in a quieter voice, “Sorry, George.”

The bear could sense his human side was shocked and embarrassed at John’s revelation.

“But I know I shouldn’t feel that way about Mitch. I mean, come on, I’ve only known him a week. It’s not fair on George, and it can only be one way because Mitch doesn’t feel the same way.”

The bear knew differently.