Chapter 57

“You okay?” John asked, pausing his chest hair play.

“Just a bit ticklish there is all.”

“Sorry.” John removed his hand, but Mitch put it back.

“I like it. What were you saying about Morwenna and getting through to George?”

“I don’t know.” John shook his head. “I’ve always thought that things like that should be left alone.”

“Did Morwenna getting through to George help you?”

John didn’t answer immediately because he wasn’t sure if ultimately it had helped or not. He was still without George physically in his life.

“What about the missing tie slide? Didn’t you say not knowing where it had gone had been bothering you?” He rubbed circles on John’s back.

“True,” John conceded. “And if I did believe what Morwenna was saying…about George watching over me, then maybe I can believe that he approves—of you, I mean.”

John was lifted until they were face to face, John surprised at Mitch’s serious expression.