Karl regained consciousness some hours later, his eyes immediately detecting something moving in the corner. A rat. As his eyes watched it, the rodent stopped and stuck its twitching snout into the air, sniffing. It let out a squeak of alarm and scurried off as fast as its legs could carry it. Karl snarled and wrenched his hands free of the rusty iron manacles. For a moment he stared at the marks on his wrists but wasted no time thinking about things that were unimportant. He was free and in his soul he knew that he had greatly changed.
He walked over to where Daniel’s body lay. Rigor mortis had begun to set in, and the pale body was now quite rigid and beginning to smell: the sickly sweet aroma of death. Yet to Karl his beloved was still as beautiful as he’d ever been. He lifted Daniel’s head up and pressed his lips against the pale purple lips he’d kissed a thousand times before when they were fuller and pinker with life.