Chapter 3

“Mother?” Small Hawk asked in English when his sisters had entered the lodge.

“Yes, Samuel?” she replied using the white man’s name she had given him.

He did not reply at once. She stopped her meal preparations and looked to where he was sitting.

“What is it, Samuel? Is something troubling you?”

Small Hawk hesitated. He did not know how to bring up the disturbing thoughts of what he had witnessed earlier that day. Finally he said, “Lean Bear wears a garment which allows everyone to see him from behind. Why does he do this?”

Sky Eyes seemed surprised. “Why do you ask me this?” she said.

Small Hawk was fearful. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, it is all right,” his mother reassured him. “I did not expect a question like this from you so soon.”

“I am nearly thirteen summers,” the boy said, standing as if to emphasize the point.