Serene1: Sorry, my mom busted into the room. She just thought I was doing homework, though.
Dawn360: I thought maybe you were a straight person pretending to be gay.
Serene1: I thought maybe you were a spy about to break down my door and arrest me. Or a creepy old guy.
Dawn360: Great, now I’m laughing, and I’ll probably wake my dads up.
Serene1: I can’t believe you actually want to chat with someone from a normal town.
Dawn360: I just wanted to talk to someone different; I didn’t know who I’d meet. But I don’t have anything against straight people. My brother Adam is straight and left for a normal college last fall. He’s only allowed to visit us for one weekend this summer.
Serene1: So now I know you have a brother named Adam, and I still don’t know your real name.
Dawn360: It’s Dawn. Not so creative with the screen names, huh?
Serene1: It’s cool, my name’s Serenity.
Dawn360: LOL!
I peeked out from under my blanket to make sure my door was still shut.