“My name is Dawn Delgado and you can trust me. I’ll answer any questions you have. If you do get banned, it’s not going to be the end of the world, okay?”
* * * *
“Come on, Serenity!” Zenith called, pounding on my bedroom door.
I groaned and threw on some black pants and a plain pink T-shirt. I needed to do laundry; the pink shirt was always my last resort.
“I just got off a three-hour waitressing shift after a seven-hour school day, so excuse me for taking a shower.” I still wore braids tight to my scalp, with the curly ends falling past my shoulders, but I had to get the diner grease off my skin, even if it did make me late. “I never have a free second in the day.”
Zenith crossed her arms. “You don’t need to look fancy for Student Morality Club. And why would you want a free second? What would you do if you had nothing to do?”
I grinned, remembering I couldn’t just tell my best friend everything. “I have some homework to catch up on, that’s all.”