“Do you guys want to come to the concert?” Malaki asked with a smile. “It’s Razor Burn, and they’re freaking awesome. I don’t think it’s sold out.”
I started to nod, but stopped when Dawn squinted at Malaki and put a hand on her hip.
“I think for now we’ll just hang out at the house. Serenity’s not even supposed to be here. I don’t want the guards to question her.”
“Oh, come on,” Malaki said. “Lighten up.”
Akasha shrugged. “It’s all right if you can’t go. We’ll see you guys later!”
Malaki gazed into my eyes. “Your loss. You’d have more fun if you came with us.”
My mouth dropped open, but no one else seemed to notice what she said, although Akasha did grip her by the arm.
“I hope Dex is at the concert,” Joy said as she walked away. “I think he’s so cute.”
Enrik laughed. “Me too.”
As they left, I felt a sense of longing. I wondered what the concert would be like. Nothing I’d ever seen before, I was sure.
Then I turned to Dawn, and was content where I was.