
Chapter 24

“Very nice, Miss Blackwater,” he said. “An un-Marked ally and a computer prodigy—you’ll make a wonderful addition to our group. Because of your age, we normally wouldn’t put you out in the field, but we might make an exception.”

Malaki crossed her arms. “What about me?”

Sol grinned. “I know, Miss Cheyenne. Since you’re eighteen now, you do qualify for missions. Maybe the two of you could partner up.”

“Yeah!” Malaki said.

I suppressed a groan. Maybe this whole HEO thing had been a bad idea.

But then Sol asked, “Would you like to officially become a member of the Human Equality Organization, Serenity?”

“Hell yeah, I would.”

Malaki sat on the table, a serious look on her face for once, as Sol clasped my right hand in both of his.