* * * *
I spent the rest of the day in my bedroom. I told my parents I was sick and locked the door. I alternated between crying and listening to downloaded Razor Burn, debating over whether to text Dawn or call her.
My tablet beeped, and my hands trembled.
RockURMohawk: Are you okay?
I turned up my music and dropped the tablet on my mattress.
The next day I had to crawl out of my room and act like everything was all right.
“Just a few more days until you leave for camp,” Dad said at breakfast.
“You’ve always said it’s the best part of the year,” Mom added.
I grinned, pretending I was the same happy daughter they’d always known. “I love camp. I can’t wait!”
I was headed back to 17 tonight for an HEO meeting to see if Project Jericho was really going to happen. Even if it wasn’t, I would use my next week of freedom to try to win back Dawn’s love. Maybe I’d stay in the storage rooms of the furniture store at night, since I had a key.