Morning came too quickly. After church, I hugged my parents and told them goodbye. In yet another lie, Z and I told everyone I preferred to ride my motorcycle to camp instead of riding with Z’s parents in the van.
“Honey, I think you can go one week without that bike,” Dad chided.
Mom eyed the van full of Z’s screaming siblings. “She’s old enough to want some independence.”
“We’ll take your things for you,” Z said.
I’d packed some random things into a suitcase and handed it over, but put my backpack in my bike’s seat compartment. The backpack held everything I really needed; the supplies from Mom, cash, and some extra shorts and tank tops my parents didn’t even know I owned. Dressed respectably in slacks and a collared shirt with a curly ponytail sticking out from under my helmet, I zoomed off while Z’s parents were still loading suitcases, ignoring my parents’ protests. Within minutes I was in 17 again.