During another brief period awake, a nurse pulls curtains around me to bathe me. My hair is such a lost cause I ask her to cut most of it off rather than bother trying to clean out all the blood, dirt, and knots.
When the curtains are removed I realize Dawn is still in the bed beside me, eating from a tray, her arm stitched up. She is talking to Max and Paul.
A nurse brings a tray of food to me, and I eat three bites before falling asleep again.
It must be a couple more days before I manage to stay awake longer than a few minutes. Dawn is gone now, but my mom stays by my side almost the whole time, sleeping in an extra bed and braiding my sparse hair tightly against my scalp to encourage its’ healthy re-growth. There are still two people in the room besides me: Malaki’s mom and the other person I’ve never seen, but they now have curtains around their beds all the time.