Chapter 40

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“Dad, could you pack up all my clothes and donate them to charity or something?” Mark asked when we’d made our way back downstairs.

Roy echoed my question about Mark keeping something.

Mark smiled at me and said again that I was all he needed.

It seemed darker in the living room than earlier. I glanced at my watch and saw it wasn’t quite 2 P.M. A quick look out of the window showed the cause. The sky was filled with dark and angry-looking rain clouds.

I shivered, knowing we were in for a storm. “I think we need to be heading back to the cottage.”

Roy asked if we wanted to sit out the storm with him but Mark explained the boys would worry.

We went into the hallway and Roy got us our coats. Handing mine to me, he said, “Sorry again…for earlier, when…”

I nodded. “You were protecting your son. That’s understandable.” Silently I added, Better late than never.

“Drive safely,” Roy said, opening the front door.

“I will,” Mark said, holding out his hand.