I feel like I’m eighteen again, out for a late night with Dave and Julia. We were always out after dark, hanging around and goofing off, finding places to go after the mall closed so we wouldn’t have to go home. Julia’s gone, but I’m surprised how nice it is to reconnect with Dave again.
Revving his engine, he pulls out of the parking spot and into the night.
* * * *
Leo’s started life as a sports bar, but when Dave and I walk in, there’s only one TV above the bar and it’s tuned to the Weather Channel. I hear a forecast for snow and glance up as we pass the screen, but they’re talking about somewhere out west, not us. Of course not. It’s cold but it isn’t thatcold. Still, I say to Dave, “Snow would be nice. Jenna would love a white Christmas.”
He laughs as he leads the way to an empty booth in the back. “In theory, yes. But if there’s a huge storm and the power goes out, leaving us in the dark, then what?”